The Schoendiener pill boxes are handcrafted products – they are made by hand and are not available in unlimited quantities. You get a companion for every day that is not a mass-produced product – you can feel this at all times.
We have developed a free app for you. The app reliably reminds you to take your medication.
We have developed a free app for you. The app reliably reminds you to take your medication.
German Design Award Special 2021
Jury statement: The combination of clear, direct forms and the use of high-quality materials make the pillbox an upscale accessory for everyday life. An attractive design gesture that counteracts stigmatisation and contributes to increasing the quality of life of those affected.
Jury statement: The combination of clear, direct forms and the use of high-quality materials make the pillbox an upscale accessory for everyday life. An attractive design gesture that counteracts stigmatisation and contributes to increasing the quality of life of those affected.
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